1.Perhaps no issue in this world is as significant to xx【ex:people's success】 as xx【ex: education】.Despite various responses people may have on the topic that xx【 ex:which thing should the education aim at】.I, given the chance, prefer to endorse that xx【ex:preparing for careers should have primary consideration.】
2.Adj【Marvelous】 as it looks at first sight, xx【ex:modern technology】 does not xx【ex:help students learn information at a greater speed and with higher efficiency 】 in most cases; or it could work towards the opposite direction which led xx【ex:students to lose their initiative to learn and explore.】
Along with the progress of society, an increasing number of people are paying heed to_____. People are giving it a serious thought about_______. Some experts claim that _________. From my perspective, even though B and C prove pleasant alternatives, A is the priority on my list, supported by the following evidence.
Initially, A is a good choice because_____________________.
In addition, A is made attractive an option for the reason that______________.
Admittedly, B and C are far from bad, but never can they escape some disadvantages.
Presented are three acceptable choices, but since two of which, B and C, inadvertently display several drawbacks, A turns out the best option in this scenario from my personal point of view. In a nutshell, I commit to the idea that A is the best selection.
1. Taking all of the factors above into account, being accompanied by some close friends tends to be a better option when it comes to having a trip. This even makes more sense if one is fully aware of the possible dangers of travelling on one’s own, that is, being helpless when emergencies occur and having no one to share the excitement.
2.In a nutshell, it is quite common for us to seek advice from our buddies or family when faced with life dilemma, but in most cases, more benefits can be available if we pick up some lessons by our own experience. After all, it is our action rather than other people’s words that determine what kind of people we want to be.
首先,考生应具有判断力与鉴赏力,对搜集而来的模板做一个理性评判。有些模板已被考生重复利用多次,虽然语言较好、逻辑较清晰,但考官已有“审美疲劳”,对于这些已经“out”的模板,请同学们开启屏蔽模式吧!话说,老师已经读了太多“nowadays, with the development of the economy…”的句子啦!考生们如需依赖模板,一定要花时间寻找“靠谱儿的、新鲜出炉”的模板,以防搬石头砸自己脚。考生犹如考古学家,记得“寻宝”归来后,拿着放大镜对宝物做个仔细研究哦!
其次,模板要活用、优化。请相信其他考生的“挖宝”能力也很高哦!如果考生们用同一模板,会有判为雷同卷的风险。因此,活用模板的能力一定要具备。那么,怎样活用、优化手头的模板呢?我们拿常见模板来举例:Currently, the issue XXX has been hotly discussed for many people. Some hold the opinion that XXX, as far as I am concerned, it is ungrounded to claim that XXX. 第一种优化方法是,换用模板的表达。比如,Currently改为Recently,for many people 改为people in all ranks,同时the issue is hotly discussed 变换句式,由被动变主动,改为among people in all ranks, there is a hotly discussed issue that。如果考生不过瘾,可以选择“重译”法,将模板还原成英文,然后把这句逻辑清晰的汉语重新翻译为英语。当然,独立能力较差的考生可借助他人、或翻译工具完成这一浩瀚工程。如果考生仍然不过瘾,可以用第三种方法,那就是“透彻分析法”。还是拿上一模板为例。我们发现,上一模板的写作结构是:引入话题→分析对立观点→表明相反立场。那引入话题这一句可以重写为:In recent years, it is no rare to see the fact that XXX in modern society, which arouse hot discussion and controversy。然后分析对立观点,改写为:A large portion of people believe that it is reasonable to XXX。 最后表明相反立场,改写为:However, I keep a reserved opinion towards this statement, for the reason that XXX。至此,我们形成了新的模板:In recent years, it is no rare to see the fact that XXX in modern society, which arouse hot discussion and controversy. A large portion of people believe that it is reasonable to XXX. However, I keep a reserved opinion towards this statement, for the reason that XXX.
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