田径运动 athletics 田赛项目field event 跳跃项目jumping event
跳远long jump 三级跳远triple jump 跳高high jump
撑杆跳高pole vault 铅球shot put 铁饼discus throw
标枪javelin throw 链球hammer throw 十项全能decathlon
七项全能heptathlon 背跃式跳高back layout 助跑run-up
起跳take off 过杆clear the bar 投掷throw
旋转spin 田径场track 室内田径场indoor track
田赛赛场field 黄金联赛Gloden League 田径运动员athlete
径赛项目track event 赛跑项目ruuning event 短跑sprint
长跑distance race 马拉松marathon 接力赛跑relay race
跨栏hurdles 障碍赛跑obstacle race 竞走项目walking race
跨栏运动员hurdler 蹲踞式起跑crouch start 领跑者leader
冲刺kick或burst 交接棒baton exchange 攻栏(跨栏)attack the hurdle
裁判judge 裁判长referee 发令员starter
预赛heat 抢跑beat the gun 最后一圈last lap
1.What kind of sport do you prefer?
I don't prefer a specific kind of sport, but I really like working out in the gym… That helps me to keep my body in a good shape… A few years ago I had a sports coach, but now I developed my own fitness program and train alone…
2.Do you do any kind of sports during weekends?
Yes, sure! I have a lot of spare time during weekends and I do javelin on Saturdays… In summertime I also go cycling with my friends... Generally, I don’t like staying at home all day... I preferactive rest…
3.Tell me about your hobbies. Is there anything you like to do in your leisure time?
I used to play tennis as a hobby… But a few months ago my family moved to a new place, and there were no tennis courts nearby...That's why I took up wrestling... But I still play tennis every once in a while.
4.Do you do any sports?
Loiuse: Not really … no … I always say I’m going to take up exercise and try to get into shapebut I never seem to get started … I sometimes wonder whether I should get a personal trainer … someone who will sort out a fitness programme for me and make me train hard ….
5.How do you spend a typical weekend?
Stella: I’m a big football fan and weekends always centre around a football match … I support FC Utrecht and have a season ticket so I go to most of the home games and quite a few of theaway games too … I’m really looking forward to the new football season starting soon …
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