1.It's more important to use your own knowledge and experience than ask others' knowledge and experience to solve problems.
2.These days, children spend more time on doing homework or participating in organized activities related to school or sports. However, they should be given more time to do whatever they want
3.Rather than help their children do schoolwork, parents should encourage their children do their homework independently.
4.When people spend a lot of time watching sports on television or following their favorite team, it has negative effects on their lives
5.If your friend wants to reduce living expenses, which one would you suggest?
1)Find a roommate that can share the living expenses.
2)Buy the new technology products (cell phone) less frequently
6.Which of the following summer arrangements is better for a 16-17 year old student of grade eleven?
1)Get ready for some of the major courses they want to study in College
2)Led by the teacher to visit museums or historical sites, and then write paper
7.High school teachers (teachers of students ages 14-18) spend most of class time lecturing (speaking) while the students listen and take notes. Other high school teachers spend most of class time on discussion and projects that students are highly involved in and exchange their ideas. Which of these two approaches do you think is more effective for student learning and why?
8.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to have facilities rather than hire more teachers.
9.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting that from your peers."
10.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: One can learn a lot about another person from the books and the movies that the person likes.
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