如果词汇量有限,书写就会卡在这里,即耽误时间,又打乱整体思路。所以,与其费尽心思去记什么"a drop in the bucket", 不如说"The power of individuals is too small to solve the problem.";
实在不行就说"One person cannot solve the big problem."
2.在讨论教育问题时,“虐待儿童的人应该受到惩罚”,“虐待”译文为maltreat或abuse,但是在不会的情况下,我们可以想:虐待=不好地对待,所以这句话就可译为:Those who treat children badly should be punished.
1. 好处: advantage
benefit, merit, positive side, upside, boon, pros
2. 弊端: disadvantage
defect, demerit, negative side, downside, flaw, drawback, cons
3. 趋势: trend
tendency, inclination
4. 压力: stress
pressure, strain
5. 证据: evidence
6. 冲突: conflict
shock, tension
7. 影响: influence
impact, pervade
8. 差异: difference
distinction, gap
9. 措施: measure
step, action
10. 意识: awareness
11. 重要的: essential
significant, vital, crucial, critical, fundamental, indispensable
12. 合理的: justified
sensible, feasible, convincing, persuasive, rational, practicable, logical, wise, sagacious, viable, preferable, advisable, appropriate, bear much analysis
13. 有益的: beneficial
conducive, instrumental
14. 有害的: detrimental
harmful, virulent
15. 有争议的: controversial
disputable, contentious
16. 专注的: be absorbed in
be immersed in, devote oneself to
17. 体谅的: considerate
understanding, sympathetic
18. 贪婪的: acquisitive
money-oriented, materialistic
19. 自私的: self-centered
selfish, inconsiderate
20. 冷漠的: indifferent
apathetic, aloof
21. 奢侈的: wasteful
luxurious, extravagant
22. 残忍的: inhumane
brutal, barbaric
23. 绝望的: hopeless
despairing, desperate
24. 过分的: excessive
extravagant, exorbitant
25. 激烈的: intense
fierce, vigorous
26. 严厉的: stringent
rigorous, rigid
27. 难以置信的: unbelievable
incredulous, virtual
28. 国外的: foreign
alien, exotic
29. 惊人的: extraordinary
marvelous, spectacular
30. 有抱负的: ambitious
aggressive, aspirant
31. 固有的: inherent
nature, innate
32. 稳定的: steady
stable, constant
33. 足够的: adequate
enough, sufficient
34. 普遍的: widespread
prevalent, universal
35. 明显的: evident
apparent, manifest
36. 与…相关: be related to
be associated with, be linked to
37. 显著地: considerably
significantly, remarkably, dramatically, tremendously, substantially
38. 大约: approximately
nearly, around, estimated,roughly
39. 肯定: undoubtedly
indeed, undeniably, there is no denying that
40. 不确定: be likely to
potentially presumably
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