fruit是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 水果, 果实; 成果, 效果,这个词在很多考试中都会出现,今天就一起来了解一下这个词的具体用法。
• Would you like some fruit? 你想吃点水果吗?
• There isn't much fresh fruit available in winter. 冬天没有太多新鲜水果。
• The juice is made from a variety of fresh fruits. 果汁是用不同种类的
• avocado - the plural is avocados though you may see avocadoes (less frequently). 牛油果—复数形式是avocados或avocadoes(少见)
• boysenberry - is a cross between a raspberry and a blackberry 博伊森莓—树莓和黑莓的杂交品种
• kiwifruit - sometimes written as two words kiwi fruit. It has the same form in singular and plural kiwifruit.猕猴桃—有时写成两个单词kiwi fruit,单复数同形。
• peach - same as a nectarine but with a slight fur on its skin 桃子—跟油桃一样,但表皮有一些毛。
A piece of fruit
We often say a piece of fruit when we refer to one fruit (one apple, one orange etc) without specifying which one it is.
当我们提到一个水果(一个苹果、一个橘子等),但并没有具体指代哪个时,就可以说a piece of fruit。
• She always has a piece of fruit with her breakfast. 她早餐通常会吃一个水果。
The fruit of something
The fruit (or fruits) of something is an expression which means the good results that you obtain from something such as hard work.
The fruit of something的含义是从某件事(如努力工作)中获得的好的结果。
• The award he received is the fruit of his hard work and always trying to do his best.
water melon 西瓜
papaya 木瓜
guava 番石榴
lime 青柠
lemon 柠檬
star fruit 杨桃
seeds 种子
nectarine 油桃
scale 秤
grapefruit 葡萄柚
plum 李子
mango 芒果
taro 芋头
plastic bags 塑料袋
mandarin orange 橘子
kiwi frui 奇异果
sugar cane 甘蔗
peach 桃子
grapes 葡萄
honeydew melon 甜瓜
Bear fruit
To ‘bear fruit’ 指的是很富有成果,通常指在很长一段时间之后。
例句:The effort he put into his studies is now bearing fruit.(他学习刻苦,现在看到成果了。)
Low hanging fruit
‘Low hanging fruit’ 指的是很容易做到,不需要太多努力的事。就像从低枝上摘水果一样,不需要爬高,就可以得到。
例句:Let’s focus on local customers first, they are the low hanging fruit. (让我们首先把焦点放在本地客户上,他们是唾手可得。)
Cherry pick
To ‘cherry pick’ 指的是选择最好的或最理想的。
例句:Our manager cherry picked staff to work on the project. (我们经理精心挑选了参加这个项目的职员。)
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