The lecture and the reading discuss ( ). The lecturer puts forward 3 pioints and effectively contradicts the opinions of the reading.
First of all, the reading says that ( ). In contrast, the lecture claims that ( ). By this way, the lecture contradicts the first opinion of the reading.
Second, the reading claims that ( ), while according to the lecture, this is not the case. The lecturer says that ( ). By casting doubt on an important peice of evidence of the reading, the lecture contradicts the second claim of the reading.
Finally, the reading states that ( ), while the lecture claims that ( ). Thus the lecture refutes the last claim of the reading.
一般托福写作是一个五段三点式的写作,大家也称它是鱼骨头(Fish Bone)式。像此种结构即是为普遍的议论文结构,开头段+中间三段+结尾段。大家一定别轻看了此类结构,认为如此简单的结构,过于八股。事实上新托福写作考查的同样是考生是不是会熟练运用这样的结构,从而把自己对一个观点的看法表达出来。美的高中生会专门利用1年的时间把结构学习。因此当准备托福写作时,应该特别注意要熟练运用五段三点式这样的结构。
教学点:2个 人气:126
教学点:2个 人气:123